Friday, August 31, 2012

Necromunda board 2

Necromunda board

 The tower was made from PVC pipes and fittings, copper plumbing bits and foam core.
This picture is of the bunkers Nick makes as a staple for his settlements. These bunkers are made from the blue electric outlet boxes from DIY stores, just cutting the wings off and adding whatever you have around.
This is one of the completed bunkers from the front, but you also get a good view of one of the large platforms. The bunkers stand one Necro level high, 3 inches, while the platform in the background is three levels, 9 inches.
This is the largest structure Nick has on his boards for right now. While there is one other tower built and a few others in mid-construction, this one is the current tallest and his favorite.
The lowest level of the tower with the copper conduits running from the ceiling into the main structure:
This is the top of the tower. From here, the players can see almost everything, as the peak of the tower is a staggering 26 inches tall.
The upper level of the tower, where the conduits from before, peak up from the floor and meet up again with the main structure.

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