can get a great miniature collections very cheaply, thanks to
collectible miniatures vith very rare miniatures and stores selling
singles. For as low as $25, you can get a basic set of 50 miniatures
that has a lot of those extras your player characters are going to meet a
lot, plus a lot of different characters for pc's or villains. I've
chosen to use Troll & Toad as I've made a lot of purchases with them
I'm happy with, and they have a great collection (including Mage
Knight) and good photos of everything. You might get some minis cheaper
elsewhere but mailing costs might be a bit higher - but I can only tell
about international shipping.
Now to the miniatutres themselves. Some of the miniatures have been repainted or possibly modified a bit, but not much.

The miniatures I present in this series of posts have been used in Savage Cyberworld -campaign, and so far I've posted miniature articles about prepainted miniatures fitting for Sword & Sorcery, which is almost complete.
Now to the miniatutres themselves. Some of the miniatures have been repainted or possibly modified a bit, but not much.
Street toughs and minions
You want some street toughs, villain's minions, nomads or rough heroes to your miniatures collection?
Armed ladies
If you want some beauty on the game table - gang chicks, female solos with style or bodyguards, here's a few great examples: Nightshade, Sin, Lex Corp Security, Checkmate Knight Black (great for police/swat too), Tiger Lily (with
little modification). I don't think the photo brings out the best of
Nightshade, I was amazed that this amazing miniature can cost just 50
cents. I immediately gave her a role as a npc in my next Cyberpunk
Military and Swat
From left to right: HDC Trooper, S.H.I.E.L.D. Sniper, SHIELD Medic, Lt. Marcus Stone (Front), Code: Blue officer, S.W.A.T. Officer, S.W.A.T. Heavy Weapons.
Metropolis S.C.U. couldn't make it to the photo but you might want to check it out anyway.
SHIELD soldiers have stupid paintjobs so I've repainted them, as
well as modifed a bit the sniper's weapon. Other SHIELD (or S.H.I.E.L.D)
guys are a bit more expensive.
Corporate people & men in suits
Middle: Gotham City Detective #006 (with
two repainted versions - and sorry, I just realized this one's $3.
Thought of sharing it here though as it's a magnified miniature and I
had already photographed it with the rest of the minis)
Hmm. Is there something missing? Of course, those heroic guys with
guns and whatever you want them to be. While above men in suits can be
used for them, most guys with guns are unfortunately a bit more
expensive than 50 cents which I kept limit for this article (except for
Gotham City Detective which I had supposed to be cheap). There are some
options though, especially if you are willing to do a little
So here we go:
Guns and blades
Pete Wisdom (needs little modification)
Two-Face (another version) (repainted)
and the last one is Officer 7/Officer 13/Officer friendly (the
last one is the only one left, unfortunately it's a bit expensive - and
none of the versions doesn't seem to be 50c so this is another mini
that made it to the post even if the post was supposed to be only about
cheap ones - sorry!)
Final words
This is my first article about Modern/Cyberpunk miniatures. If you're on budget, in these genres it's quite easy to get a collection that is everything you need for very low cost - a lot of minis you're going to want are probably men in suits & swat/soldier -type.The miniatures I present in this series of posts have been used in Savage Cyberworld -campaign, and so far I've posted miniature articles about prepainted miniatures fitting for Sword & Sorcery, which is almost complete.
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