1/72 Zombies step-by-step Pt. 2: Painting
Last time, we performed some simple head swaps to create the Unpainted Undead.
Now let's get them looking a little less unpainted and a little more
undead. These are some pretty basic tips here, as my painting doesn't
involve much fancy technique, but everyone needs to learn the basics
some time.
1.) The first step is to wash the figures with a mix of dish detergent
and water, scrubbing with an old toothbrush. This cleans off the mold
release agent miniature makers use, which can keep paint from sticking.
2. Next, I
superglued the minis to their base, here a 3/4" fender washer. Usually
the base that's molded with the figure will cover the hole in the
washer, so I don't usually bother with more complicated basing. I then
glued the washer to a framing nail, so the mini can easily be handled or
kept in a styrofoam block when not in use. |
3. I then sprayed
the miniatures outside with a white plastic primer. You need a fairly
warm, fairly low-humidity day to do this, or the primer won't stick or
dry correctly. I make sure to rotate the figures so I cover as much as I
can. I'm not totally sold on Krylon as a primer, but it provides a
bright, fairly even palette that along with washing the minis will
ensure the paint sticks. |
4. One impulsive
modification I made was to hack at the zombie bodies with a hobby knife,
so they looked a little less like the healthy barbarians they
originally were and more like the decomposing undead monsters they are. I
painted these areas first. If I was smart, I would have also painted
the teeth and eyes at the time. |
5. Instead, I
started painting the fleshtones, here a livid blue. It's a little bolder
than what's probably realistic (for the walking dead, that is), but I
like my hordes to have a distinct, consistent color scheme, and I hadn't
painted a blue army yet. You can see that since the wounds are a layer
beneath the zombie skin, it makes it easier to paint the skin over and
around the wounds than the other way around. This is also why it would
have worked better to paint the eyes and teeth first. |
6. Here are the
eyes and teeth painted in. I typically need at least two coats of paint
to cover, so it wasn't that big a deal to repaint the flesh around the
eyes and teeth once they were colored. I usually don't bother painting
facial details, but the mouths on these minis are very obvious, and I
thought the yellow eyes would give some zing to what would otherwise be a
very unlively (heh) color scheme. |
7. And here's our
undead friend with all the color on him. I could have showed more
steps, but I basically just blockpainted the zombie's clothes, with a
little bit of drybrushing (painting raised areas with a brush with most
of the paint wiped off) to bring out the details on the scabbard. Most
of the paint I use is Delta Ceramcoat, a craft paint sold in stores like
Hobby Lobby, along with some even cheaper brands. If I used tricks like
outlining or wet-blending, I'd probably use paint specifically blended
for miniature painting, but the cheaper paints are just fine for my
purposes. |
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